Grade-10 Chemistry Myanmar New Curriculum Textbook

Grade-10 Chemistry Myanmar New Curriculum Textbook

Grade-10 Chemistry Myanmar New Curriculum Textbook


Chemistry 1s an arca ot knowledge remarkable lor its breadth and depth. Knowledge of chemistry 1s essenta o mprove tne quanty ot our lives. For instance, faster electronic devices, stronge chemists throughout the world. We cannot truly understand or even know very much about the world we hve in or about our own bodies without knowing the fundamental concepts of chemistry Cmare Change, waler contamination, air pollution, food shortages and other societal S eda towever, did you Know that chemistry playsa plastics, and more effective medicines and vaccines all rely on the innovations of nese cnalienges As the 'Central Science, chemistry is woven into the fabric of practically every issuce that our SOCIcy a Learning Outcomes After completing this chapter, students will be able to: recognise the importance of chemistry in daily life know the states of matter, diflerentiate between physical changes and chemical changes; classity the substances as elements, compounds and mixtures, understand the separation techniques of mixture; describe the solutes, solvents and solutions.


Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry. Chemical reactions Occur when you breathe, cat, or Just Sit there recading. You are surrounded by materials and substances, al chemicals. Even your body is made of chemicals.

The air you are breathing 1S a mixture of elements like oxygen and nitrogen. The book you are reading is made fro wood pulp or cellulose which has been blcached and treated wth various chemicals. 1he Clothes you are wearing are probably made Trom syntnectc cnctmicals calica poyhcs, suc s n or tcryiene.

The seat you are Siting on is perhaps a plastic polymer, with polyurethane, n Seut padding and metal support. Ihe room you are in 1s made trom cement. plastics, oncr and glass, all of which are chemicals. Chemicals provide us with luxuries and prove our leisure time. Some chemicals are toxic. Some causes cancer. Some chemicals are also benehictal. ome can save lives.

Many are useful. All matter is made of chemicals, so the importance emistry is that it is the study of everything. Chemistry deals with everything Perhaps cer understanding of chemistry would enable us to control the uses of chemicals so that COuid maximise their benefits and minimise the risk involved in their use.

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