Life Internal Secrets >> Myanmar Learners' Choice

If you are looking to learn about life internal secret, Life Process, Energy for Life Process and Nutrition in Human Beings, you are at the right place. in this tutorial I will explain all that are in your mind. So please read the following very carefully.  

Life Internal Secrets

A table and a stone are non-living things and are unable to carry out activities such as moving on its own, produce off-springs, respond and react etc. which living things can do.

Life Processes :-

Nutrition, Respiration, Ex-creation, Transportation, Repro duction, Sensitivity and Growth are some of the processes that help living beings to sustain. The processes that are common to all living beings are called as the Life Processes.

Energy for life Processes 

All living Organisms require energy to perform various activity which is derived from the food they eat. Food contains several components called as Nutrients. Nutrients are classified as

1. Energy Giving Carbohydrates Fats
2. Body Building Proteins
3. Protecting Regulating Vitamins and Minerals

Nutrients can also be classified on the basis of their chemical nature as:

1. Inorganic Nutrients

Plants gets their nutrients from inorganic substances present in the soil and atmosphere through leaves and roots. These are converted into organic com- pounds through the process of Photosynthesis. This forms the nutrient for the plants.

2. Organic Nutrients

Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats of animal and plant origin form Organic Nutrients.


The process of intake of nutrients and its utilization by an organism is Nutrition and the way by which he obtains food is the mode of nutrition.

1. Autotrophic Nutrition 

Is the mode of nutrition in which organism synthesize their own organic food. Such organism are called as Autotrophs and Plants are its example.

2. Heterotrophic Nutrition

Organisms use different that depend on other organisms for food are Heterotrophic Organisms. e.g. Animals and Fungi. Organisms strategies to obtain food depending on their Body design, Organization, Functioning and Availability of food material. e.g. Fungi like Yeast, Mushrooms and some Carnivorous plants break down the food material into simple substances outside the body and then absorb it. 

Human Beings, Cat, Cow etc. take in whole food and then break it down into simple sub- stances inside their body.
3. Cuscuta, Ticks, Lice, Lee ches, Tapeworms etc. Derive nutrition from other plants or animals without killing them but harm the hosts in the process. 

The basic steps of nutrition in all animals are as follows:

1. Ingestion The act of taking food inside
2. Digestion The process of breaking down food into simpler soluble substances. done by teeth and enzymes.
3. Absorption After digestion soluble digested food is absorbed into blood.
4. Assimilation The absorbed food is transpoted to tissues and cells where it is used to produce energy or stored.
5. Egestion The undigested and unabsorbed residues of food are thrown out of the body.

Nutrition in Human Beings :-

Takes place by association of digestive organs called the Digestive System. It includes the alimentary canal and the digestive glands.

Nutrition in Human Beings :-

Alimentary canal is long and muscular tube of varying a diameter which extends from the mouth to anus. The Salivary glands, liver, the pancreas and the gastric glands are the digestive glands linked with the alimentary canal.

1. Mouth :-

The alimentary canal begins with mouth. Large size food is processed to generate partials of small size by chewing with the help of teeth and saliva secreted by the salivary glands is mixed with food here. The food becomes smooth and also biological catalysts called Enzymes act on it. Enzyme salivary amylase breaks down starch into a simple sugar maltose here.

2. Stomach :-

The partly digested food goes down through the Esophagus into a “J” shaped stomach placed on the left side of the abdomen. the food is pushed forward in the canal due to rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the muscle of the canal called as Peristaltic movement.

Stomach - Life Internal Secret

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The gastric glands release hydrochloric Mucus. Hydrochloric acid creates acidic condition which is acid, Pepsin an necessary for pepsin which digests proteins. Mucus protects the inner lining off the stomach from the action of acids under normal conditions. The Muscular walls of the stomach churn the food and properly mix it with gastric juices. The food exits the stomach by the regulated movement of Sphincter Muscle which releases small amount of partly digested food into the small intestine.

Small Intestine :

The longest part of the alimentary canal is called the Small Intestine. (5-6 mts) and is fitted into a compact space in the belly by extensive coiling. Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins are digested here in alkaline condition. Acidic food received from the stomach is made alkaline by Bile Juice secreted by the liver. Liver is the largest gland in the body and bile is stored in the Gall Bladder. Bile makes the food alkaline and breaks large fat globules into smaller once which increases the enzyme action.

Small Intestine - Life Internal Secret


Secretes the pancreatic juice which contains digestive enzymes like Trypsin (Digests Proteins), Lipase (breaks down Fats) and Amylase (Digests carbohydrates). The bile and pancreatic juice enter the small intestine through a common duct.

Pancreas - Life Internal Secret

Various intestinal juices are also secreted by the wall of the small intestine which complete the digestion process of converting proteins to amino acids, complex carbohydrates to glucose and fat into fatty-acids.

The digested food is absorbed by the walls of the small having numerous finger like projections called Villi. The absorbed food is taken intestine to each and every cell of the body where it is utilized to obtained energy. Idle glucose is stored in the liver in the form of glycogen. The unabsorbed food is issued to the large intestine.

Pancreas - Life Internal Secret

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