Are you in love? | A Novel by Myanmar Learners' Choice

 "Are you in love?" 

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Are you in love

We entered the office with three or three Chinese-style carpets on the lawn. There are 4 pins. The plants are not very big, but they bloom evenly during flowering. If you look at a tree, you see a bunch of people. It is a kind of flower that is easy to wilt. Every wind blows, and it smells good.

It was beautiful to see white Chinese flowers scattering on the green grass on the sloping lawn between the parking lot. But people do not feel the slightest bit of beauty.

As everyone walked up the aisle to the parking lot, they came down the slope and trampled on the flowers. I always turn around and walk down the aisle. Wouldn't it be cruel to crush a wilted flower?

Yes, I'm imagining standard flowers.

I love Chinese style white flowers ..

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. The simple floral arrangement and the delicate fragrance are lovely.

And because of the Jewish teacher's "Lover?" Can it really influence you? I will never forget reading it. Every time I see a standard flower, I think of it. In fact, none of the standard flowers in the novel were found with this Chinese standard flower. However, since I have never seen a standard car other than a Chinese standard car, I imagine that all the standard flowers in the novel are Chinese standard flowers. The fragrance of the novel is similar to that of the Chinese standard car. My imagination that comes from reading novels is also about Chinese-style flowers.

I lay down under a Chinese car and watched the flowers fall. Inhaling the scent of flowers. I want to fall asleep listening to someone talk about something. Like May Zaw


And I want to get a standard car that my lover gave me

How nice it would be to have a standard flower on the table, even if it wasn't on the bed like in the novel.

Do not overreact. It is a standard flower that is easily available, but it has many meanings and meanings. Ideas If you give with good intentions, will a flower be more than just a flower? I will take a photo caption only when I get more than one standard flower…

"Love?… A standard car has opened."


For now, a standard car will open


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