Adobe Cloud After Effects 2017 free book download | Myanmar Learners' Choice

Getting Started with Adobe After Effects Creative Cloud 2017

Adobe Cloud After Effects


After Effects CC creative cloud after effects is an application that allows you to create dynamic, visually stunning motion graphics and cinematic visual effects. This application can be used to create 2D and 3D animation that allows you to also create dynamic text animation using the many typography tools within Adobe Cloud After Effects. It can also be used to apply nondestructive effects to video, using various tinting and adjustment methods, isolating objects from their background using rotoscoping technology, and correcting for camera shake by utilizing cutting-edge stabilization features. After Effects adobe cloud after effects also integrates with several other Creative Suite applications, such as Photoshop for animating 3D layers, Premiere Pro with shared effects and copy and paste support, and Flash Professional for creating engaging web animation sequences.  

Adobe After Effect CC 2017 Free Book

Adobe Cloud After Effects: Learning Objectives  

After completing the instructions in this booklet, you will be able to:  

Import and organize footage  

Create, arrange, and composite layers in a composition  

Modify and animate layer properties  

Add effects and modify effect properties  

Preview those changes  

Render and export your project  

    Planning Your Work  

Correct project settings, preparation of footage, and initial composition settings can help you to avoid  errors and unexpected results when rendering your final output movie. Before you begin, think about  what kind of work you will be doing in After Effects and what kind of output you intend to create. After  you have planned your project and made some basic decisions about project settings, you will be ready  to start importing footage and assembling compositions from layers based on that footage. 

The best way to ensure that your movie is suitable for a specific medium is to render a test movie and  view it using the same type of equipment that your audience will use to view it. For example, if your  video is going to be used for a DVD, try watching it on a TV. It is best to do such tests before you have  completed the difficult and time-consuming parts of your work, to uncover problems early.  

Storyboards and Scripts (Screenplays)

Before you begin shooting footage or creating animations, it is often best to start by planning your movie with storyboards and a script (screenplay). You can use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to create storyboards. You can use Adobe Story to collaboratively write and manage screenplays. Adobe Story also converts information from a screenplay into XMP metadata that can automate the creation of shooting scripts, shot lists, and more.

    Acquiring, Choosing, and Preparing Footage

Before importing footage, first decide which media and formats you will use for your finished movies, and then determine the best settings for your source material. Often, it is best to prepare footage before importing it into After Effects. For example, if you want an image to fill your composition frame, configure the image in Adobe Photoshop so that the image size and pixel aspect ratio match the composition size and pixel aspect ratio. If the image is too large when you import it into After Effects, you will increase the memory and processor requirements of the compositions that use it. If the image is too small, you will lose image quality when you scale it to the desired size. See Pixel aspect ratio and frame aspect ratio. If you can shoot footage with consistent lighting and colors—and otherwise prevent the need to do a lot of tedious utility work in post-production—then you will have more time for creative work.

If possible, use uncompressed footage or footage encoded with lossless compression. Lossless compression means better results for many operations, such as keying and motion tracking.

Adobe After Effect CC 2017

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