Diversity of Culture and habitat - Myanmar Learners' Choice

If you are trying to learn Diversity of Culture and habitat, you are at the right place. Please read the following.

Diversity of Culture and habitat

Look at the images given in the box and try to answer the questions that follow.

Diversity of culture and habitat

Question 1: What do you see in the above picture?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………
Question 2: What kind of difference is seen here?
Answer: ……........................................................................................

(Please write your answers in the comment box)

Now read the following paragraphs very carefully.

Earlier we have known the different types of people, religion, race and age. Besides people differ in cultural differences. For example: dress, entertainment and life style. People of different countries wear different types of dresses. Every country or nation has its own traditional dress. They wear this dresses on their different rituals. Their particular dress bears their cultural identity.

Cultural differences are very important for human life. The different cultural people are found in our country, workplace and educational institutions. They are difference in race, religion and culture. We all live together with these differences. We learn from each other. So we have to help and develop relationship with each other. The main identity of a person is his/her personality. The diversity of human being changes with the passage of time. These changes are seen in their clothes, food, shelter and entertainment. The people who wore a different type of dress before, is now wearing different dresses. In the same way, changes are found in shelter and food habit.

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