Sex Positions Illustrated | 101 Hot Positions You Can Do Right Now | A Book Services


One night I was sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace with my four best girlfriends having a girls’ night in. We had chocolate fondue (yum!) and champagne and talked for hours–about our careers, our lives, and our relationships. And of course that naturally led down the path of sex. I mean, what kind of night is it if we don’t talk about sex?!? ☺

Some of us were single, some of us were in relationships. But either way you look at it, we loved talking about what made good sex and what made bad sex. Is it just me or does it seem like sex is everywhere? In fact, every time we were in the checkout line at the grocery store, it’s hard to ignore that magazine that talked about the bazillion different sex positions we should be trying out now.

And of course, I have to get that issue and talk about it with my girlfriends. And that night, we did. And boy was that quite a conversation! We got so into it that Danni blurted out something interesting – “wouldn’t it be fun if we actually tried all these different positions?” At that very moment, the light bulb in my head went off. There’s 5 of us here, why don’t we test each position and report back on our favorites?!?
Instantly I ran into the bedroom closet and returned with an empty shoebox. We wrote down 101 different sex positions on little slips of paper, threw them into the box, shook it up, and then randomly took turns pulling out sex positions one by one until each of us had 20 different positions. Since it was my idea, I get 21.

So there we have it – each of us had our little assignments. Have sex and try
each of the positions and report back. And then share it with the world! ☺
Hence, the creation of this book. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we
enjoyed making it :)


For this tub adventure you will only need a few inches of water to begin with, then switch the shower on so it is running gently. Ease yourself onto your side and prop yourself up with your forearm. You should then lift your leg and get your fella to straddle the other. Once he is inside of you, you can then rest your leg on his shoulder and he can use this for better leverage as well.

101 Sex Position Illustralation

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