Powerful PowerPoint for Educators

Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_ Using Visual Basic for Applications to Make PowerPoint Interactive, Second Edition

PowerPoint guide book for educators is a book for the PowerPoint trainner who are teaching in IT Company. If you like to read this book online, you can read here  without any fees. And also if you want powerpoint book pdf free download, you can download it frrom here. This is book intentionally design for the Powerful PowerPoint Educators. Let's us read this book altogether . 

Powerful PowerPoint for Educators

Most educators have created simple presentations with PowerPointTM.

PowerPoint is a fine tool for adding media to a lecture, but it falls fl at when creating interactive lessons for students to use while sitting in front of the computer. That is, it falls fl at unless you use the built-in scripting features of PowerPoint.

Starting with PowerPoint version 97, every copy of PowerPoint comes with Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA). VBA can be used to add to the functionality of Microsoft Offi ce® applications, including Microsoft Power-Point. With the advent of PowerPoint 97, teachers can put limited interactivity into their presentations using action settings, hyperlinks, and buttons. These features allow you to

  • add buttons to control navigation (start your slide show with a menu, for example, rather than requiring linear navigation from slide to slide to slide);
  • jump to other PowerPoint presentations, other fi les, or Web pages; and
  • create rudimentary multiple-choice tests (clicking on a button with the correct answer takes the student to a slide that says “correct,” for example).

While this interactivity is useful, it is also very limited. VBA extends this to nearly unlimited dimensions. With VBA, you can change the content and appearance of slides based on student input, ask for and process typed input, add additional slides, hide and show graphics, and much more.

“Wait!” I hear you cry. VBA is a sophisticated programming language. Can teachers become programmers? Certainly, many teachers can become programmers, but the goal is not to create programmers but rather scripters . A programmer learns all the subtleties of a computer language in minute detail. A scripter might learn some of the details of the language but, more important, learns a few easily modifi able scripts that can perform important tasks. Scripting is well within the reach of many teachers, and taking advantage of the power of authoring systems like PowerPoint is an important part of the International Society for Technology in Education (2001) standards for programs in technology facilitation:

  • Standard III.A.7—Use methods for teaching concepts and skills that support use of web-based and non web-based authoring tools in a school environment.
  • Standard III.C.1—Use methods and facilitate strategies for teaching problem solving principles and skills using technology resources.
  • Standard V.C.7—Use examples of emerging programming, authoring or problem solving environments that support personal and professional development

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