The Adobe Photoshop CS6 Book for Digital Photographers

The Adobe Photoshop CS6 Book for Digital Photographers

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The Adobe Photoshop CS6 Book for Digital Photographers

Seven Things You’ll Wish You Had Known Before Reading This Book

It’s really important to me that you get a lot out of reading this book, and one way I can help is to get you to read these seven quick things about the book that you’ll wish later you knew now. For example, it’s here that I tell you about where to download something important, and if you skip over this, eventually you’ll send me an email asking where it is, but by then you’ll be really aggravated, and well…it’s gonna get ugly. We can skip all that (and more), if you take two minutes now and read these seven quick things. I promise to make it worth your while.

(1) You don’t have to read this book in order

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I designed this book so you can turn right to the technique you want to learn, and start there. I explain everything as I go, step-by-step, so if you want to learn how to remove dust spots from a RAW image, just turn to page 84, and in a couple of minutes, you’ll know. I did write the book in a logical order for learning Adobe Photoshop CS6  Digital Photographers, but don’t let that tie your hands—jump right to whatever technique you want to learn—you can always go back, review, and try other stuff.

(2) Practice along with the Same Photos I used here in the book

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As you’re going through the book, and you come to a technique like “Working with HDR Pro in Adobe  Photoshop CS6,” you might not have an HDR-bracketed set of shots hanging around, so in those cases I usually made the images available for you to download, so you can follow along with the book. You can find them at, this is one of those things I was talking about that you’d miss if you skipped this and went right to Chapter 1).

(3) The intro pages at the beginning of each chapter are not what they seem

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The chapter introductions are designed to give you a quick mental break between chapters, and honestly, they have little to do with what’s in the chapter. In fact, they have little to do with anything, but writing these quirky chapter intros has become kind of a tradition of mine (I do this in all my books), so if you’re one of those really
“serious” types, I’m begging you—skip them and just go right into the chapter because they’ll just get on your nerves. However, the short intros at the beginning of each individual project, up at the top of the page, are usually pretty important. If you skip over them, you might wind up missing stuff that isn’t mentioned in the project itself. So, if you find yourself working on a project, and you’re thinking to yourself, “Why are we doing this?” it’s probably because you skipped over that intro. So, just make sure you read it first, and then go to Step One. It’ll make a difference—I promise.

(4) There are things in Photoshop CS6 and in Camera Raw that do the exact same thing

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For example, there’s a Lens Corrections panel in Camera Raw, and there’s a Lens Correction filter in Photoshop, and they are almost identical. What this means to you is that some things are covered twice in the book. As you go through the book, and you start to think, “This sounds familiar…,” now you know why. By the way, in my own workflow, if I can do the exact same task in Camera Raw or Photoshop, I always choose to do it in Camera Raw, because it’s faster (there are no progress bars in Camera Raw) and it’s non-destructive (so I can always change my mind later).

(5) I included a chapter on my CS6 workflow, but don’t read it yet

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At the end of this book I included a special chapter detailing my own CS6 workflow, but please don’t read it until you’ve read the rest of the book, because it assumes that you’ve read the book already, and understand the basic concepts, so it doesn’t spell everything out (or it would be one really, really long drawn out chapter).

(6) Where’s the Bridge stuff? 

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A version of Bridge is built right into Photoshop itself. It’s called “Mini Bridge” (I am not making this up), and it does about 85% of what “Big Bridge” does (Adobe doesn’t call it Big Bridge, they call it Adobe Bridge). This is great because now you don’t have to leave Photoshop and jump to a separate application for finding and working with your images. So, since Mini Bridge is part of CS6, I start the book with a chapter on Mini Bridge. So, what did Adobe add to Big Bridge in CS6? Well, barely anything (which gives you some hint as to the future of Bridge, eh?). Anyway, they did greatly improve and streamline Mini Bridge, but since some of you may still be using Big Bridge for at least a little while longer (at least until you fall in love with Mini Bridge), I did update two Big Bridge chapters, and put them on the web for you to download free. You’ll find these at http://

(7) Photography is evolving, Photoshop is evolving, and this book has to, too.

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This is the first edition of this book that doesn’t include a chapter on using Curves, and that’s because today we use a different tool—Camera Raw (even if we don’t shoot in RAW, because it works for JPEGs and TIFFs, too!). I spent years teaching Curves in books and in podcasts and here in this book, but honestly, today I really don’t use Curves (and if I do, I use the Tone Curve in Camera Raw, which I do cover here in the book). In fact, I had a hard time finding any photographers I know still using Curves, which just shows how Photoshop has evolved over time. Although Curves isn’t covered here in the book, I did provide a color correction chapter using Curves on the book’s downloads page (ya know, just in case you want to go “old school”). You can find it at the web address just mentioned in #6.

(8) Each chapter includes my “Photoshop Killer Tips”!

Photoshop Killer Tips

Hey, I thought you said it was “Seven Things”? Well, consider this eighth a
“bonus thing,” because it’s about another bonus I included in this CS6 edition of the book. At the end of every chapter is a special section I call “Photoshop Killer Tips” (named after the book of the same name I did a few years ago with Felix Nelson). These are those time-saving, job-saving, “man, I wish I had known that sooner” type tips. The ones that make you smile, nod, and then want to call all your friends and “tune them up” with your new status as Photoshop guru. These are in addition to all the other tips, which already appear throughout the chapters (you can never have enough tips, right? Remember: He who dies with the most tips, wins!). So, there you have it, seven (or so) things that you’re now probably glad you took a couple minutes to read. Okay, the easy part is over—turn the page and let’s get to work.

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